Making the decision to through hike 2,665 miles from Mexico to Canada doesn't seem like an easy one or one that most people would make, but for me, it was. I had just graduated from college and my whole life was changing. The Outdoor Education program at Chico State was under suspension which left those of us that graduated last year with no post graduation guidance. I started the job search on my own and, if I had kept at it, I'm sure I would have found something great. I got a few job offers but, to me, they kept feeling like time fillers until I could do something I really wanted to. But what was that? I tried to look back to a time time in my life where I felt the happiest and found the most clarity. It wasn't difficult. In 2012, I spent 80 days backpacking in Tahoe and Utah with Chico State's Immersion program. Not only did I learn most of the technical skills I know today, but I learned who I was in the truest form of myself. I also made some incredible, life-long friends! But it wasn't all fun and games, at times it was incredibly difficult, but I learned there that I can handle anything thrown my way, even the Pacific Crest Trail. It seemed like such a simple decision. Why not?
Start Date: April 23rd, 2014