So, after a few days off dealing with an intestinal infection, I'm back on trail! We are well onto northern california and have hit the mid way point! We left from Chester around 4 pm and hiked into the night to get about 12 miles. We set up camp and fell asleep quick. I didn't wake up until a sudden cracked rang out through the forest followed by a loud bang. A huge branch had come down very close to our small campsite. I was wide awake for quite some time after that. When I did start to fall asleep a group of wolves began to howl nearby. Needless to say I woke up very tired the next morning. We got on the road early and were making fast progress. My hip was doing really well until our first break when I began to get almost constant shooting pains. Miserable, I kept telling myself it was just a bad day and taking more aleve. I had almost convinced myself when a sudden pain struck my knee. When I looked down a wasp was there basking in the glory of my pain. My knee began to swell and sting but there wasn't anything to do but keep walking. I walked and walked and walked until I had gone 27 miles that day, my first marathon day! I was hurting but morale was higher than it had been in weeks. The next day we made it into a small town called old station where we got sodas and burgers and headed out. We made it 24 miles that day and by the end I was using my trekking poles more like crutches. As we hiked down to a water cache for the night the sun began to set behind mount shasta. It was silhouetted by a beautiful orange pink sky and I remembered why I was out here. Why all the pain and struggle is worth it to me. I went to sleep that night extremely sore and blistered but happy to be under the stars. Today we were trying to get into the town of burney to resupply. It was only 18 miles but after the last two days they were the worst 18 miles in a long time. It was hot and my body was so sore I could hardly walk, slowing down to only two and a half miles per hour. Luckily we got a quick hitch into town and are recovering for the night with pizza, beer, and foot baths.